Field Museum Outting

1 Jan

It’s really a shame that I don’t get the girls to the Chicago museums more often. We used to go more, but now that they are all a bit older and taking more structured activities offered by our homeschool community, it’s hard. I have deliberately protected a couple of days in the week so that we can do other things… and guess what? On those days, we usually want to stay in our pjs and go nowhere.

But! Sometimes we leave the house! And sometimes we go to the Field Museum! My favorite!

If you ever come to Chicago and want to visit this amazing place, we recommend the following exhibits in this order: Ancient Egpyt (we always go here first because it’s by the back door where we come in), Su the dinosaur (try to go when a docent is giving thier spiel), the Ancient Americas, and the dinosaur exhibit upstairs (Evolving Planet). This rotation takes us 3-4 hours. Sometimes we also squeeze in a trip to the family lab, which is great for younger kids and their frazzled parents. The other exhibits we visit if there is more time, but 4 hours tends to be my personal max. After that I really need to dope myself up on Rescue Remedy if I want to survive. Also, we tend to visit in the afternoons to avoid the school field trips, which limits our time.

IMG_0311Be sure to check out the entomology display if you are on the lower floor. It’s on your way to the bathroom!

IMG_0312What kind of doula/ midwife wouldn’t pick this petite statue out the crowd?

IMG_0313Or this one…

IMG_0314Replica of the Mayan calendar. Let’s hope they were wrong and you’re reading this post after the New Year!

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